Think and Make Thursday Link Party on Kenarry: Ideas for the Home


Welcome back! So happy y’all can make it to our Link Party each week. Last week we had over 500 link ups! I’m beyond amazed. That’s HUGE. You guys are quite honestly THE BEST readers EVER. We’ve been super busy around here getting ready for Fall and Halloween.Our very first project is these AWESOME DIY Trick or Treat Bags, made with a Cutting Edge Stencil Kit.

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Which you can ENTER TO WIN!! Just follow THIS LINK. Cute aren’t they? Well enough about me let’s get to the party.

 We’ve got some fantastic features this week from last weeks link party, make sure you show them some love! Share, comment, Pin,whatever you can do. Sharing is caring! Now link up so we can see all of your beautiful projects you’ve been working on this week.

Bloggers, we’re so glad you’re here and can’t wait to be inspired by your Bright Ideas! Think and Make Thursday will open at 6 AM ET every Thursday for you to share what you’ve been working on with a chance to be featured the following week. When you link up at The Think and Make Thursday Link Party, your Bright Ideas will seen across 10 fabulous blogs:

TMT Host Image september 2015


Every week, the ten of us will be choosing our favorite Bright Ideas from the Link party to share on our own blogs the following week, giving you an even better chance of being featured!

Think and Make Thursday - Bright Idea Features on Kenarry: Ideas for the Home

Taylor Dresser 0238

1. It’s my favorite thing in the world when you see a super expensive furniture piece you LOVE and can re-create it for practically nothing. Thirty Eighth Street did just that with this amazing upcycle.


2. This is such a cute idea from Small Stuff Counts. You could use this for so many things! Great Up-cycle.

3. This desk from Making It In The Mountains is PERFECT. I absolutely love the pattern of the drawer liners. So cute.

Last but not least our most clicked : DIY Sweater Pumpkins from DIY Beautify


Now it’s your turn to share your Bright Idea for a chance to be featured at next week’s party. If your Bright Idea is featured by one of the hosts, we will also pin it to our Think and Make Thursday Pinterest Board plus you’ll be able to share this shiny button for all to see on your blog!

Kenarry: Ideas for the Home

Party Rules

By linking up at Think and Make Thursday you agree to:

  • Show us some love. Please follow all the hosts on social media. Grab a party button or link back to us in some way.

Stacey from Addison Meadows Lane
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+ / Instagram / Hometalk

Bre from Average But Inspired
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+ / Instagram / Hometalk

Tasha from Designer Trapped in a Lawyer’s Body
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+ / Instagram / Hometalk

Erica from Dwell Beautiful
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+ / Instagram / Hometalk

Heather from The Heathered Nest
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+ / Instagram / Hometalk

Leigh Anne from Houseologie
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+ / Instagram / Hometalk

Carrie from Kenarry: Ideas for the Home
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+ / Instagram / Hometalk

Sarah from Little Red Brick House
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+ / Instagram / Hometalk

Karisa from Petite Modern Life
Facebook / Pinterest / Google+ / Instagram / Hometalk

Emily from Table and Hearth
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+ / Instagram / Hometalk

Think and Make Thursday Party Button

Kenarry: Ideas for the Home

  • Share your bright ideas. Submit up to 3 family friendly links you’ve never shared with us before. Please link to a specific post, not your home page. No Etsy shops, no giveaways, no link parties and no photos that you have purchased and/or do not have permission to share. Please be aware that by sharing your posts at Think and Make Thursday you are giving permission to our hosts to share your projects on social media, on their blogs as featured posts and in round-up posts with links back to your site and all credit given to you.

  • Be inspired. Visit other links to get great ideas and leave positive, encouraging comments. After all, this is a party – you should mingle!

  • Let us contact you. When you link up, we’ll add you to our party exclusive email list, so you’re among the first to know each week when the party starts! (You can opt out at any time).

3 Comments on Think and Make Thursday Link Party 51

  1. Samantha
    10/01/2015 at 11:41 AM (10 years ago)

    Those trick or treat bags are soo cute! Thanks for hosting 🙂 Now I have a million more ideas for fall!

    • stacey
      10/01/2015 at 12:43 PM (10 years ago)

      Thank you! LOL, I know! It’s so hard hosting this party because everyone has such fantastic Ideas. I have to reign myself in so I don’t go over board.


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