Welcome Back to Think and Make Thursday Link Party! I’m so happy you all are here! Be sure to check out my features and give them some love.
Bloggers, we’re so glad you’re here and can’t wait to be inspired by your Bright Ideas! Think and Make Thursday will open at 6 AM ET every Thursday for you to share what you’ve been working on with a chance to be featured the following week. When you link up at The Think and Make Thursday Link Party, your Bright Ideas will seen across 8 fabulous blogs Oh yeah you heard me 8!! We’ve added an 8th blogger to our fantastic party.
Please join us in giving a warm Think and Make Thursday welcome to our newest co-host, Courtney from Fry Sauce and Grits!
Courtney and her sisters, Melanie and Caitlin, created Fry Sauce and Grits as a way to stay close and share their projects, passions, and hobbies. Their mission is to inspire women to live a more beautiful and creative life by teaching, showcasing, and discussing: beauty, diy, interior design, creating, womanhood, learning, and fashion. Fry Sauce and Grits allows Courtney to be able to spend time on things that matter to her, like educating women on how bras should and shouldn’t fit and creating a beautiful and stylish home, like her gorgeous small entryway mudroom makeover or her super retro pink and feminine office makeover. Courtney loves sharing delicious recipes, creating things and discussing woman topics that are important. You’ll also find Courtney sharing some of her best beauty and fashion tips, like her $3 make-up brush cleaning secret or her recipe for lush 4-in-1 bath bomb bars.
When she’s not blogging, she’s a wife, a mother with a second child on the way, and an ordinary girl with lot’s of aspirations: join a roller derby, grow and build a business, write a book, travel the world, and live a happy fulfilling life with her family. In her spare time, she’s also the social media manager for the recipe sharing community created by Six Sisters’ Stuff called My Recipe Magic where food bloggers can submit their recipes to get increased traffic, build followers, and make money.
Be sure to follow Courtney from Fry Sauce and Grits on social media and welcome her to the party:
Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest / Twitter / YouTube / Google +
Now on to this weeks Features
1. I’ve never liked mirrored closet doors but The Honeycomb Home is making me wish I had some. These turned out beautifully and they look so High end. LOVE.
2. Can you believe these flowers are made from egg cartons?? I know amazing right?!? Premeditated Leftovers came up with a beautiful way to recycle old egg cartons. So cool.
3. I absolutely LOVE thes vases from Making It In The Mountains. They are beautiful, and probably one of the easiest DIYs I’ve seen. The possibilities are endless with this project!
Last but not least our most clicked Link:
Carrie This Home Make the Most of Your Workspace
Party Rules
>Now it’s your turn to share your Bright Idea for a chance to be featured at next week’s party. If your Bright Idea is featured by one of the hosts, we will also pin it to our Think and Make Thursday Pinterest Board plus you’ll be able to share this shiny button for all to see on your blog!

By linking up at Think and Make Thursday you agree to:
- Show us some love. Please follow all the hosts on social media. Grab a party button or link back to us in some way.
Stacey from Addison Meadows Lane
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+ / Instagram/Hometalk
Tasha from Designer Trapped in a Lawyer’s Body
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+ / Instagram/Hometalk
Erica from Dwell Beautiful
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+ / Instagram/Hometalk
Courtney from Fry Sauce and Grits
Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest / Twitter / YouTube / Google +
Leigh Anne from Houseologie
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+ / Instagram/Hometalk
Carrie from Kenarry: Ideas for the Home
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+/
Sarah from Little Red Brick House
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google+ / Instagram/Hometalk
Karisa from Petite Modern Life
Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram/Hometalk /Google+
Think and Make Thursday Party Button

- Share your bright ideas. Submit up to 3 family friendly links you’ve never shared with us before. Please link to a specific post, not your home page. No Etsy shops, no giveaways, no link parties and no photos that you have purchased and/or do not have permission to share. Please be aware that by sharing your posts at Think and Make Thursday you are giving permission to our hosts to share your projects on social media, on their blogs as featured posts and in round-up posts with links back to your site and all credit given to you.
- Be inspired. Visit other links to get great ideas and leave positive, encouraging comments. After all, this is a party – you should mingle!
- Let us contact you. When you link up, we’ll add you to our party exclusive email list, so you’re among the first to know each week when the party starts! (You can opt out at any time).
Let’s Get This Party Started
04/16/2015 at 8:58 AM (10 years ago)Thank you SO, SO much for sharing my Frosted Glass Vases this week!!! Have a fabulous day!!!
04/16/2015 at 9:18 AM (10 years ago)You’re welcome Kristi! They turned out so beautifully, thank you for linking up.