I’m so glad ya’ll are here, I’m so excited to be Part of this  I LOVE Christmas, it’s my absolute most favorite time of the year. I also love getting my home all decked out and ready for Santa! I’ve teamed up with some other amazing bloggers to bring you some really awesome Christmas Inspiration every day this week Today Is Holiday Gifts and Wrapping.  I have always loved wrapping presents, I mean don’t get me wrong I use my fair share of bags and fancy boxes, but wrapping is where it’s at and I’m here to show you a cheap and easy way to make your gift wrapping look elegant.

present stack edited

BUt first lets talk a little about this fabulous Blog tour I’m a part of…..Welcome to the 2nd annual Home for the Holidays Blog Tour hosted by Sondra Lyn at Home. Wow, do we ever have a great week of holiday celebration ideas lined up for you!

Join us each day for inspiration from nearly 30 of the today’s finest blogs!

Home for the Holidays 2015 - Sondra Lyn at HomeYou’ll see everything from gorgeous decor to yummy holiday recipes… and everything in between! Here’s a look at what’s coming up this week:

Monday – Holiday Decor


Just a Girl and Her Blog | Lilacs & Longhorns | What Meegan Makes

Windgate Lane | Worthing Court

Tuesday – Holiday Recipes


Duke Manor Farm | Graceful Order | Rhubarb and Honey

Snappy Gourmet | The Happier Homemaker | Two Thirty-Five Designs

Wednesday – Mantles and Tablescapes


Dandelion Patina | {Home-ology} modern vintage | Organize and Decorate Everything

Sondra Lyn at Home | StoneGable | The Everyday Home

Thursday – Holiday Crafts


An Extraordinary Day | Cottage at the Crossroads | Making it in the Mountains

Our Southern Home | 2 Bees in a Pod | Two Purple Couches

Friday – Gifts and Wrapping


Addison Meadows Lane | DIY180 | Domestically Speaking

My Creative Days | Southern State of Mind | unOriginal Mom

OK SO I’ll start out with the most important part of this whole thing …The paper. It’s been my long kept secret until now. I use The heavy duty paper floor covering that builders use to protect floors. Say WHAAAA??? Yep it’s very similar to a brown paper bag you get from the grocery store. It gives the PERFECT elegant vintage feel and you get like a majillion feet for 15.00! you can wrap your presents for 3 years with one roll, no kidding, This is my third year same roll LOL.


Next on the list-

Yarn. It’s so cheap and you can get some of the fluffiest stuff that makes your present just look so cozy and festive. You could also use twine or string it’s really up to you.81S55iArfsL._SL1500_

I usually make cute little poms to hang on my presents with the yarn they’re so cute and easy. I just wrap the yarn around my 4 fingers tie it in the middle remove my fingers and cut the loops. WOrks perfect every time.20151203_170139IMGP3133

The next super secret ingredient to the perfectly wrapped present is fresh greenery.

I usually get the leftover trimmings from my local hardware store and use those. You could also take them from your own trees.

Last but not least Paint Pens- I love my paint pens and it’s fun to add some little drawings like my Rudolph.


That’s it! Super easy right? I love how they look with my tree and all of my other more rustic decor items. Not to mention how fancy they look for very little money.

presents close up

Thank you all for Stopping by I hope you come back and check out all of the other fantastic bloggers below.

Be sure to check back every day this week to enjoy all the goodies we’ll be sharing with you! Each day’s links will be posted that day and will go live at 7am EST/6am CST, so don’t miss a single day!

Cause we all know…

there’s no place like…

Home for the Holidays!

Monday – Holiday Decor

Tuesday – Holiday Recipes


Wednesday – Holiday Mantels and Tablescapes

Thursday – Holiday Crafts


Friday – Holiday Gifts and Wrapping

11 Comments on Cheap, Easy, and Elegant Gift Wrapping

  1. Lindsay Eidahl
    12/04/2015 at 7:59 AM (9 years ago)

    I think we were on the same wave length with your wrapping! 🙂 Love your gifts! They look so nice! It has been fun touring with you this week!

  2. Vanessa
    12/04/2015 at 9:10 AM (9 years ago)

    I love it and I would use this idea for sure. I have tons of yarn. Lovely

  3. Sondra
    12/04/2015 at 10:22 AM (9 years ago)

    Your packages are so cute! Makes me want to be more creative in doing ours this year!! So glad to have you on the HFTH 2015 blog tour!

  4. Leanne
    12/05/2015 at 12:29 AM (9 years ago)

    Your packages are so cute! I love the yarn! I don’t know if I dare draw on the paper but I might be able to master snowflakes.

  5. Lisa Huff
    12/07/2015 at 11:07 AM (9 years ago)

    WHAT?? You can buy Builder’s paper? Had NO idea and now I think I’m in love! 🙂 Fabulous idea!!


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